Word of Peace Evangelistic Ministry


The bible made it clear in the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. John, chapter 1 verse 1 to 14, we came to realize that the Word which was with God from the beginning, being God in Himself, was made flesh and dwelt with amongst us, which we all know as the only begotten Son of God – Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In this word is “Grace and truth”. By equality, Word = Grace + Truth. Now we know that to as many that received Him, to them gave He power to be His own, and in His fullness have all we received, and “Grace for Grace”. Jesus Christ testified about Himself as been the Way, Truth and Life (Jn. 14:6; 18:37). The testimony which he beareth before Pilate of Himself brought about the question the world still asks today, what is Truth (Jn. 18:38). For the truth beareth witness about Himself before Pilate – therefore he find no fault in Him. Yet without fault, the world rejected him and requested for a robber (Jn. 18:39-40). Therefore, peace eluded the world. Peace is the work of Christ into which an individual enters by faith (Eph 2: 14-17; Rom 5:1). This is as a result of the inward peace, the state of the soul of the Christian who, having entered into peace with God through Christ, has committed all his anxieties to God through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving (Lk. 7:50; Phil. 4: 6-7). This is mostly referred to as “Peace of God” – a phrase which emphasizes the quality of the nature of the peace granted. Paul even said it “passeth all human understanding” (Phil.4: 7).

For the world to know peace, man must return to God, retrace his steps back to the rejected corner stone – Jesus Christ. This task is what WOPEM is committed to; we are saved that we might work for the salvation of others. If there is peace in a marriage, the home will have peace…by extension, the city, the state, nation and the world in general. It all starts by reaching individuals with the word of the truth.

Our task is too important and wide, hence the inter-denominational nature of the ministry. We are prepared to work with every individual, philanthropist, Ministries, Churches and organizations, which have Christ as their focus, and share the view of reaching the whole world with the word.

Our Mission is to remove the veil of sin, which the devil is using today as a device even in the church under the pretence of doctrinal beliefs. Every eye that sees the Lord cannot withhold sin. The bible makes it clear that it is only through the knowledge of the truth, that man can be set free from the “bondage of sin”. We know that the truth is Christ and Christ sets free. In every way, in every form, not allowing the various doctrinal beliefs between various denominations to undermine the God given task….WOPEM is committed to making this task a priority. We see beyond religious divide, we only see Christ, the hope of glory. As many as are committed to making Him known, you are welcomed to join us.

Join us today and make an impact in the world around you. Make Him known to the world. Join us in bringing peace back to the homes and the whole world. The love of many is waxing cold, a soldier sleeping at the war front……..so is the situation of many. Wake up from slumber, the battle will soon be over. Jesus Christ, the captain of the army of Israel, is on our side.

We organize revivals, invite ministers to speak at conferences, arrange symposiums and youth programmes. We take the word to prisons; we reach out to the orphans, less privileged in our communities. We also reach out to the other religious groups for peace and understanding. In doing this from past experience, we have been able to bring some to the full knowledge of Christ. A lot can be done…and will be done by reaching out to other religion with the clear focus of peace.

We welcome suggestions and donations from individuals, philanthropist, Ministries, Churches and organizations. Every support received will be well acknowledged and will be properly used only for the Gospel. There are several other ways of reaching to the unreached, by providing for the needy, relief for the poor and war victims. The world witnesses the greatest threat from diseases and pestilence, this creates a very great avenue for Christians to throw their net and come up with great number of fishes for the Lord.

All these awaits us ….we that belongs to this generation cannot afford to fold our hands and look, we have more than enough to do, let us join hands together and move forward.